Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Where i've been...

 I don't think anyone ever read this, but i'm going to use this for keeping track of my work and stuff. So catching up on things:

   My server: As you might be able to tell, my server is down. The reason is kinda dumb, but i was experiencing really bad thermal issues, which i finally found as i was copying all my old server files, and personal files. It had reached the thermal throttling, which one dd command. In cause if you want to know the specs, it's a Gateway DX-4860 i think? I don't know this off of the top of my head but i know the first part. I'm going to check... DX-4840. Anyways i bought thermal paste. I wiped away the thermal paste and noticed some got under the cpu. I took it out, got rid of the thermal paste. And failed to insert the cpu. I screwed up the motherboard's cpu pins. I wish it was the cpu, because i wanted to replace it for a bit, as it's the last bottleneck, and what was causing my mc server to die. I'm thinking on using a raspberry pi for some simple webserver and ftp stuff, but untill i find a good enough pc at a garage sale, the full server wont be up. And freenom got sued by meta stopping domain registrations.


    Project 1: This is really the first time i actually reveal this game. It's a kind of battle royal game,  i've been working on it for like a year, It's pretty cool,It hasn't been updated in a bit, mainly because i've been dreading fixing the master server code.

At this point i stopped writing for a while, but i will get this out, even if it costs me my soul.

Duckbeaks (codename)

Duckbeaks is another game my friend wanted to do which i was stuck in the programming position. The other codename and internal name (git and stuff) is 20PeopleOneGame or a variation. There aren't 20 people developing the game though, it means "many people one game" There are 10 people in the discord server, and only 9 people contributing, and one coder (me) When writing this, it turned 5 months old! It's a local player shooter game.


 In The Hole

This is a verrry recent project, on me trying to actually make some money on my coding, It's based on the Windows Vista game, Inkball. It was origanally released for windows XP Tablet edition, which is kinda mobile. I've been having a lot of gameplay issues, mainly because i wanted to add a ink meter, which allows you to watch a ad for more ink, but what stops you from just wating, so you would need to add a timer, then you don't have enough time for watching an ad, but i spent a lot of time getting ink working and idk how it will work, i might remove the ad for the ink, and put it on the timer instead (+ it refilling ink) Or something else, comment a solution, i promise i'll read it.. if it's even reachable anymore. (Screenshot from game paused)

Hound Hunter

This is the one unity game which i'd consider finished. This was made basicly in 24 hours for an LA Project, some at school, but none of that code worked, so i had to basicly remake it with a VNC connection, and did it! You can play it (with a leaderboard) here! (url subject to change)

Server Update:

I sacrificed a raspberry pi and am using it for a server as i look for a PC with matches my odd HDD caddy space requirment. I might make a fire hazard by using my old laptop (which top of is basicly broken as some of the top cables are clipped, and the plastic holding the hinge in is broken) as a server with a 3.5 inch hard drive as the boot medium, so i'm not stroring my new plex library (sub project is dumping whole dvd collection) on a 64gb SD card (god mp4 compression is good) I might get the server up soon, but the domain might take a bit.

And thats basicly it! For contacting use LH4005#4791 on discord, and if your good heckerman you can use my id 656295698790219806


How I deleted my website

Hi the 3 people who look at my blog, and the thousands of bots who look at my blog.  So I deleted my website. I'm going to give a brief ...